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Learning for life
Číslo projektu:2015-1-SK01-KA104-008563
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:33180 €
Sumár projektu: The project is aimed at management and teaching staff - teachers of foreign languages (English, German, Spanish, French, Swedish-second language German). The teachers are mainly teachers of two foreign languages but have been teaching only one of the languages over the past years and would like to refresh their second language. A second group form young teachers who would like to enhance their chances for career promotion and teachers after their maternity leave. A third group are teachers with reasonable experience who need to catch up with new development in foreign language teaching. A growing demand for Slovak language courses to foreign students at our school also requires teachers´ability to speak their students´ languages at least on basic communication level. In order to meet their needs as professionals and the need of up-to-date language teaching we have chosen structured courses that will: 1. with regard to teachers: provide additional training for language teachers improve the level of their communicative competence , sociolinguistic and pragmatic competence in the foreign language acquire experience in the field of intercultural communication, improve intercultural awareness introduce modern teaching methods improve professional language competence ( C2 ) support and implement best practice help promotecreativity in language teaching enhance teachers´ knowledge in the field of testing and assessment change traditional methods and forms of teaching bring new innovative and inspiring ideas into the classroom to make language teaching more effective. management and marketing : improve the level of school management key competences and skills with regard to language course design for specific target groups aimed at modernising education and language training in order toenhance their employability . enhance the European dimension of education and training through cooperation with international institutions , foreign institutions in orderto extend the professional and language skills of foreign language teachers provide anopportunity to collaborate with educational institutions in the field of language learning in order to gain knowledge in the field of language learning and marketing. develop language courses in accordance with the principles of the CEFR. 3. with regard to mobility provide foreign language teachers with partners´contacts at home and abroad , thus contributing to their language competenceand allowing themgreater mobility andpossibility of better employability.
Koordinátor:Jazyková škola Palisády 38, Bratislava