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Číslo projektu:2018-1-IS01-KA229-038806_4
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:123780 €
Sumár projektu:The project " THE EFFECTIVENESS LEARNING THROUGH SPORTS AND OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES " unites six European schools from Iceland, Turkey, Italy, Portugal, Malta and Slovakia that have integrated students with special needs besides normal students. Through this partnership, by exchanging best practices, the partner schools aim to increase and diversify the number of outdoor activities in their schools. Our target groups are the teachers from partner schools and the students from the host countries but in this group we especially focus on the ones with special needs which will benefit of teaching and training activities regarding outdoor activities like trekking, climbing, scout’s activities, biking, outdoor activities adapted to water and other. Another group of beneficiary are the parents of the students with special needs and the students from schools who will be encouraged to get involved in local project activities. Also we are planning to create the outdoor activities and workshops by the participation of the guests teachers and the local students of each country in each LTT activity. By the help of these activities, the students will gain new perspectives from foreign teachers and they will be able to develop their English by practising it as a second language. Our main objectives are to increase with minimum 10% until the end of the project the number of outdoor activities included in the curricular offer of each partner school; to train at least 20% of each partner institution teachers for conducting outdoor activities by participating at LTT activities and by participating at further trainings; to increase with at least 30% the level of autonomy and the social skills of students with special needs by teachers' participating in activities and exchanging their experiences and in partnership; to increase the level of wellbeing of the students with special needs from each partner school by involving at least 90% of them during the project activities at their country and to facilitate the approaches of outdoor activities for parents, teachers, special education teachers, NGOs by creating a Good practice guide that will contain a collection of outdoor activities adapted to the special needs students. Six learning, teaching and training activities will take place in five partner countries by the participation of 3 teachers from each school: "Childhood games" in Turkey in November 2018, "Innovative methods in inclusive environments" in Iceland in March,2019 and "Water, earth, air in sports activity" in Malta in June2019, "Sport activities, an opportunity to socialization" in Italy in November 2019, "Forest School" -Discovering the nature through outdoor games- in Portugal in April 2020, Experience Rugby both with SEN Students among Mainstream Students in Slovakia in September,2020. The expected results of the project, in terms of knowledge, abilities and skills, will be: knowledge and experience gained by the participants, stronger confidence and self-esteem of students with disabilities, better language skills for students, teachers and staff that participated to mobilities and improved social awareness regarding disability. We will also benefit of a project's logo, project’s Facebook, eTwinning and web page, recordings of student's performances during various outdoor activities, a project’s Diary and a Good practice Guide, translated in English and in every partner’s national language, containing scripts of the outdoor activities adapted to the particularities of not only the normal students but also the students with special needs.
Koordinátor:Stredna odborna skola elektrotechnicka, Sibirska 1, Trnava