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Creating Multicultural and Inclusive School Environment
Číslo projektu:2018-1-SK01-KA101-046221
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:7820 €
Sumár projektu:Our project "Creating Multicultural and Inclusive School Environment" aims to promote effective teaching in multicultural and inclusive classrooms. Our school faces challenges in arriving the migrant children, inducting and integrating them and facilitating access to the school curriculum. Our attention has been paid to developing specific methods for learners how to accommodate diversity and adopt intercultural principles in the classroom by teaching foreign learners, Roma ethics learners and special needs learners. We try to find a formal attitude that is both positive and inclusive toward ethnic minorities and immigrants learners. We have been trying to develop values and attitudes which are appropriate for the multi-cultural society in which our learners live. We have been creating a learning environment which support individual needs and every learner has an opportunity to succeed. We want all the learners in our school, including all the minorities Vietnamese, Chinese, Rome ethnic group, special need learners to belong to our community and we want them to feel a part of us. We want to precede race-induced classroom conflicts. We want to have the best knowledge and skills relating to promoting equality and diversiry in the classroom for better managing our classes at school. We would like to create a classroom environment where all students can thrive together and understand that individual characteristics make people unique and not ‘different’ in a negative way. The main objectives of our projects are to gain a greater understanding and responsiveness to social, linguistic and cultural diversity. They will help the school to deal effectively with classroom challenges linked to cultural and lingustic diversity and increase the ability to address the needs of the disadvantaged. They will gain the practical experience using computers to design lesson materials for the learners, to improve teaching for learners from other minorities, foreign learners by using new technology. Our teachers will expands their knowledge and skills that relate to designing and managing the inclusive classroom and learn how to effectively manage conflicts based on multiculturalism between children. They will have the ability to actively establish and maintain multi-cultural atmosphere in the classroom. They will create a learning environment which supports individual needs and every learner has an opportunity to succeed, they will increase motivation and satisfaction in their daily work, as well. The participants of this project are four teachers from Primary School Rázusova, Čadca, Slovakia. They will participate in four different courses connected with one topic aimed at need of the development of our school. “ICT in your class“ , "The Dealing with cultural diversity in class ", “Towards the inclusive classroom“ ,"Teaching in multicultural classes". By acquiring important knowledge and skills at courses organized by the Areadne Learning Institution in Greece, our four teachers will be able to present valuable knowledge and experience to our school community. They will organize the lecture connected to workshop for the colleagues and activities at school with the name: "How can equality and multiculturalism be promoted at school? ", "Multicultural Day" ,"Trekking to nature for Multiculturalism", "Respect to Differences" ,"Culture without limits". Their teaching will become more efficient, motivating and effective and teachers´ motivation will be increased. They will improve their professional competences and develop their ICT skills, communication and cooperation skills. They will compare techniques and methods used in different European countries and see and compare how to teach in multicultural and inclussive classes in Greece. The courses will have impact on the learners because the learners´ team spirit will improve and the foreign, dissadvantages, Roma learners will be more integrated to the school society, they will strenghten their ties to our school, education and the teachers so early school leaving could be reduced. Our learners will be able better social interaction in the class. The project will have the efficient impact on our school, as well: the attendance of the learners to school will increase, the school will be more peaceful and attractive place for learners than before. The school will be introduced to the European Union Institutions and the other schools will realise the impact of the project and will be inspired locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.
Koordinátor:Základná škola Rázusova 2260 Čadca 02201