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HERritage and CULture: Exploring, Sharing and preserving the hidden treasures of European cultural heritage
Číslo projektu:2018-1-SK01-KA229-046317
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:188734 €
Sumár projektu:Our multifaceted project HERCULES- HERitage and CULture : Exploring, Sharing and preserving the hidden treasures of Europe - invites approx. 3000 students and 300 teachers and local communities from 6 European countries (Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania, Cyprus, Portugal, Bulgaria) to create a dialogue about social and educational value of European cultural heritage. We hope that through an augmented understanding of the cultural heritage our students will better value it, by valuing it they will want to care for it, by caring, discovering and studying it, they will enjoy it and from this enjoyment comes a desire to understand it even better. This generates a desire to understand the values of fellow European citizens and facilitates the identification of the diversities as well as similarities between our countries' cultures and promote ownership of shared values, equality, non-discrimination and social inclusion through education, training and youth activities and innovative and integrated approaches in higher education practice. According to the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, one of the targets is to improve the quality and efficiency of education and training. It highlights the importance of smart growth in education, through encouraging young people to learn, study and update their skills and to create sustainable conditions of secondary education. These values we would like to apply into this project activities and potentially into the long-term goals of our institutions. The project will let participants -investigate and compare different cultural issues such as language, culture, natural sites, traditions, art, architecture and local tourism products supported by collaborative learning, innovative educational methodology CLIL and IT technologies; - improve their skills and abilities to organize local and international events and meetings, educational excursions, share the best experiences related to the educational excursions - make contacts with local educational and cultural institutions, communities and authorities around Europe and share their best practises, The added value gained through international cooperation will be a more developed self: self- confidence, empathy, tolerance, team player, time management, understanding, communication, digital and organizational skills and competences. All of these will also help to strengthen the teaching profiles of teacher staff, their language and project-based competences and boost the repertoire of their teaching methods thus they become more respected by the students and regional community as not only teachers but also facilitators of innovative learning, multilingual events and international project cooperation. Our students will learn about European Heritage sites, about the history and traditions of their own and other cultures, about ecology and the importance of protecting natural biodiversity. They will gain awareness of the threats facing the sites and learn how the international community as a whole unites to save our common heritage. Most importantly, they discover how they can contribute to heritage conservation and make themselves heard. The HERCULES project seeks to encourage and enable tomorrow’s decision-makers to participate in heritage conservation and to respond to the continuing threats facing our European Heritage. Moreover, they can share their work with their peers in partner schools. Staying in host families will also strengthen the perception of the cultural uniqueness of the European population as well as national similarities and diversities.
Koordinátor:Gymnázium Antona Bernoláka