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Číslo projektu:2018-1-SK01-KA229-046369
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:156880 €
Sumár projektu:CONTEXT Social responsibility is quite a challenging attitude to be developed, since children normally have the tendency to be rather self-absorbed. Their normally feel that world revolves around them, as do their purposes and their needs. Since this attitude is, psychologically speaking, characteristic to their age, they could not really be blamed for it. It becomes thus even more necessary for us to try to address their lack of involvement because it will probably not come from them. Teaching social responsibility implies not only helping children become more conscious of the world around them, but also making them better understand themselves and people around them. If this is achieved, schools will evolve and become a place in which mutual support and inclusion are not an exception, but rather the norm. First, we have to identify groups with problems not only in our communities, but also in our schools. Second, we will try change things and make a difference in schools and communities as well. This partnership has therefore been initiated. We decided to join our efforts and to share our experiences in order to help our students better understand themselves and others. Our purpose is to survey and monitor the importance of social responsibility, of the projects initiated in each school and of the manner they involve students, as well as the manner these projects are managed and organized in the European countries involved in the project. Our purpose is to analyze and share with each other the set of good practices in each school. OBJECTIVES The benefits that will be obtained through volunteering are numerous and they will become the objectives of the project alongside the objectives stemming directly from the international dimension inherent to an Erasmus+ project. The most important benefits include: - to increase and improve students’ sense of community, as well as to reduce copying antisocial behaviour. - to develop self-esteem, positive civic behaviour and social engagement - to develop students’ own sense of responsibility for the community they belong to - to boost attitudes of respect, tolerance and non-discrimination - to boost cultural awareness and intercultural competence - to improve communication, critical thinking and time management skills - to improve language skills PARTICIPANTS The purpose of the project is to develop students’ civic responsibility. The target group of the project includes 12-14 years old students, girls and boys, some of them coming from a disadvantaged background (immigrants, migrants, ethnic minorities, learning disorders, social challenges, and physical disabilities). 100 students will be involved directly in the short-term student exchanges and they will be accompanied by 40 teachers. MAIN ACTIVITIES There are 5 short-term student exchanges in the project. Every exchange is structured around 3 main aspects: a brief presentation of specific social challenges in each local community, a presentation of the volunteering project selected in the school, the initiation and implementation of the selected volunteering project with the visiting students. C1 is held in Slovakia, C2 in Romania, C3 in Poland, C4 in Turkey and C5 in Macedonia. IMPACT It is expected that all partner schools will benefit from the activities in the project in the long run. First, the accompanying teachers will become resource people in the project. They will closely look into the best practices in every host school when it comes to: classroom and school organization, use of technology, teaching methods employed, staff management and various aspects of extracurricular projects.Teachers will also pay attention to the relationship between school staff and parents. Teachers accompanying students will disseminate this information to their colleagues after they return from the mobility. Consequently, teachers will enrich their experience and will have examples of best practices, and will eventually apply the best and most appropriate ones in their own school. RESULTS The tangible results of the project include: - initial and final questionnaires on the degree of students’ involvement in volunteering projects (which will be applied at the beginning and at the end of the project), volunteering - self-assessment forms that the students will fill in order to analyze their degree of awareness of local social problems - presentations of partner institutions, of the city and the country of origin - presentations of the volunteering projects in every school which are implemented collaboratively by the 5 partner schools during the short-term student exchange, as well as students’ collaborative work results during them - reports on the short-term student exchanges written by the host school - evaluation instruments applied on participating schools - project evaluation documents - the impact report written at the end of the project - other dissemination materials – posters, brochures, flyers
Koordinátor:Katolicka spojena skola, Andovska 4, Nove Zamky
Nové Zámky