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Kids' Universal Exhibition 2021
Číslo projektu:2019-1-FR01-KA229-062379_2
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:30750 €
Sumár projektu:The "Kids’ Universal exhibition 2021" is an ambitious project, involving different European partners; schools from France, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, Spain and Sweden. The main goal of our project is to launch the first universal exhibition conceived by pupils on a topic fundamental for the future of society. Throughout the project we will study the relationship between technology and nature and consider how to create a positive relationship between the two. We will also try to answer the question: “How could technology be on the side of nature?" Non-profit organisations, administrations and companies are also going to be involved in this project, as it deals with a universally important topic that concerns each and every aspect of society. We have decided to work on that project because, in our modern world, we are at the intersection of two phenomena: the destruction of nature and the growth of technology. Many of our digital inventions serve to estrange us from nature and the world they were created to enrich. In this context, the key challenge is to create a positive relationship between nature and technology. Indeed, technology is changing our relationship with nature. This is why, through our project, we want to show that there is now, and will be in the future, a great reliance on technology to have a positive effect on nature, and to help solve environmental problems around the world. The challenge for the future is to deploy technologies in the right way. We must stop seeing technology and nature as enemies, and instead start thinking that technology is “a force of nature”, as the technologist Kevin Kelly believes ( It is important that we now put this into action, which is why we’ve decided to launch the "Kids’ Universal exhibition 2021" centering around this topic. Education has a big role to play in making young generations aware of the issues they will face tomorrow. Indeed, our pupils are more than concerned about it, because they grow up in this changing world and it is important to inspire them to act for this global changing world. It is our duty to make them think about solutions for their future, and to give them the tools and opportunities needed to understand and learn about the world they live in. This topic is one of international importance, hence it is fundamental to work with partners from different countries. Moreover, it is very important for us to help pupils improve their critical thinking and communication skills, and also develop pathways to success in terms of their civic and moral values, linking this with tools and concerns of our modern world. Finally, it is a priority to work and think globally and to initiate different partnerships for our pupils’ success and futures. Pupils from different backgrounds and different countries can only meet up thanks to projects and programs such as this. As a matter of fact, all our partners have their own specificity and richness which will make this project even more coherent. It is also important to open the school to the outside world and to work with partners such as companies and associations in order to share knowledge and put education at the centre of our modern society. To conclude, we and our partners live in areas where the development of technology goes hand in hand with the sustainable development of our regions. In the era of eco-cities, our regions need to educate and engage future staff in this kind of creative scientific reflection. Associations and companies such as EIFFAGE have understood the stakes and the importance of such project, therefore it is very important to work and collaborate with them to put education at the centre of our society.
Koordinátor:Stredná športová škola