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Pratiques théâtrales pour favoriser la pratique des langues
Číslo projektu:2019-1-FR01-KA229-063009_2
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:29970 €
Sumár projektu:The language results of our students regularly feed the discussions between teachers of our school and the difficulties that a majority of these students meet when having to speak in front of an audience in any given school subject led us to ponder on the correlation between these two facts. Added to this is the need for teachers to renew their pedagogical practices considering the lack of student involvement, because of their oral difficulties, but also because of the growing number of students in the same classroom. To help students improve their speaking and foreign language skills, teachers would like to include theatrical exercises to their practice. They also wish to experience other teaching practices in order to stimulate the involvement of their students and help them to improve. Besides, this request meets families and young people expectations to consider their future schooling in an enlarged European framework. It also satisfies the requirements of the new baccalaureate in which speaking skills will be given a greater importance. Involving our school in a European framework will enable teachers to widen their knowledge and build up a network of contacts that will help the students and give them the opportunity to study in international sections or abroad, thus facilitating their professional integration within the EU. That is why we want to embark on this project which will consist in creating within two years a European theater festival bringing together two schools which will communicate in English. The students will have the opportunity to develop their foreign language skills through various activities such as drama workshops, a theater festival with European partners, videos and online presentations of performances. The audience is for second year students in the fall of 2019. The project was presented to 3rd year students of our school. A call for applications is open to all students with oral language ability. The results of this study will be a group of about fifteen students.
Koordinátor:Gymnázium Jozefa Gregora Tajovského
Banská Bystrica