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Mesterségem címere
Číslo projektu:2019-1-HU01-KA229-060928_3
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:15902 €
Sumár projektu:The title of our project is Career Charades. This game we played in our childhood is a good summary of the aim of all the four participating schools: we would like to show and share our strengths, our ‘career charades’, and employ that of others’ to work on our weaknesses. The co-operating partners are: Ipolysági Magyar Tanítási Nyelvű Gimnázium (Sahy, Slovakia), Bolyai Tehetséggondozó Gimnázium és Kollégium (Senta, Serbia), Áprily Lajos Főgimnázium (Brasov, Romania) and the coordinating school Váci Madách Imre Gimnázium (Vác, Hungary). Our school has previous experience in projects, for example with Bolyai we have had two Határtalanul projects recently, and we have been sister schools with Sahy for many years. The positive attitude we have experienced so far urged us to start a new project. Our school has got in touch with our previous existing contacts plus gained a new one (Brasov) through one of our students. That is how our enthusiastic project team has developed. Our keystone is ‘Critical thinking’, everything is based on it, every activity serves this. Each partner gives their strengths, something that is available only in their school: in Senta programmes for gifted students in the field of mathematics, in Sahy music and drama group, in Brasov folk dance and debating society, in Vác teaching foreign languages. We are planning one-week-long camps in the four cities where students and teachers take part from the four partner schools. The guests with the help of student mentors take part in the pre-planned programmes. This mentor activity can give such a positive affirmation for our students that can help in their future teacher role. The novelty of the way of learning can be motivating as they learn from their peers. The situation is instructive for teachers as well: to become students again. Choosing the student mentors is partly deliberate, partly voluntary. We have looked for suitable, motivating characters. We send different students to each camp: first of all those who need to develop on the specific field and secondly who are capable of sharing the knowledge with others. Those who stay at home will do their bit from the project work too, mainly in mixed ability groups. Learning tasks will be varied with sightseeing and interactive free time activities. The hosts show their local specialities (history of the town, culinary etc.) and grant ‘going out’ experience for the guests. The coordinating school would like Miklós Beer diocesan, ex-student of the school, to be the patron of our project closing gala. The return of the gala will be offered as a charity to help the Hungarian secondary school of Beregszász (Beregovo, Ukraine) for whom we made donation in the past two years. Teachers have the role of observer and helper in the project. The student activities are companied by substantial teacher workshops. The events are recorded, processing and evaluation takes places at a later point. Thus newly learnt methodologies can be fitted in everyday usage easily. Trying out these new methods, discussing them can enhance the effective and sustainable development of education. We are planning two teacher meetings, one at the beginning of the project in the coordinating school and one as a closing event in Brasov, but we have been communicating on a daily basis since we started to write the project. Besides the exchange of ‘good practices’ we find open-mindedness, unbiased attitude and tolerance towards each other highly important. We try to strengthen our common historical roots, language, national culture and traditions. We would like to discover historical events of the past which have an effect on our present, and we hope to shape a positive vision of the future. In this diversity and newly acquired learning situation all of us can become more flexible and courageous. While we show ourselves we discover new places and learn a lot more things if we step out of our comfort zone. Our cultural heritage is not only a colour in our country image but it can enrich Europe. We can set a good example: even though we live far away from each other, the connection between people and the knowledge link can cross borders. Thus we can reinforce EU- consciousness, democracy and social dialogue. During the project we create some ‘products’ (exhibitions, photo albums, videos, musical CDs) and we use eTwinning to show the results of the projects. This platform is a good tool to get inspiration, collaboration, professional development and modernisation of education. All in all we put emphasis on practice during the project which serves the improvement of key competencies in the fields of Hungarian literature and grammar, English as a second language, media, music, IT, drama, folklore, plus enhances the development of the personality (coping and learning strategies, social abilities, creativity, mental development, critical thinking), and the professional co-operation of the four schools creates a new working model (LLL).
Koordinátor:Gymnázium Juraja Szondyho s VJM - Szondy György Gimnázium