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Číslo projektu:2019-1-IT02-KA229-062439_2
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:30145 €
Sumár projektu:The three schools involved in the project are technical and vocational schools that realized, after numerous and continuous contacts, that they share some common traits: * the school mission * similar students with similar educational needs * members of staff willing to cooperate in order to improve * the need of teachers to share their educational experiences so as to improve the quality of their educational offer as well as the internal organization of the school. These three partners highlighted their common interest in the objectives of European cooperation and their common belief that it is necessary to provide students with opportunities to work together if they want to improve their soft skills and competences for active citizenship. For all the schools, the students generally belong to the lower middle class, with limited opportunities of facing an international context. They have a highly work-oriented mindset, but they find it difficult to adapt to the needs of companies, which require flexible and autonomous workers, capable of working in a team and with a good knowledge of the English language. This project originates from this premise and aims to provide: * students with the necessary competences for their success both as citizens and workers * teachers and members of staff with the instruments to reach this goal through cooperation, comparison and exchange of good practices. We think that the development of this process will allow us to support our students in a process of strengthening of various skills (language skills, IT skills, digital skills, communication) as well as in the process of development of an entrepreneurial mentality, oriented towards Europe and the world. The participation of teachers in the activities will create moments of exchange of opinions which will bring, on a personal level, to an improvement in their motivation and satisfaction towards their daily work; on the other hand, on a professional level, this will allow them to deepen their methodological and educational competences. The acquaintance with other educational systems will allow the Principal to reorganize the school in a way that will be beneficial. The project will involve 2/4 classes of students aged 16 to 19 in each school, as well as most teachers working on those classes. It will entail curricular activities in each school as well as presence meeting among partners. These curricular activities will entail an entrepreneurial and operative approach, the use of the English language and the use of ICT during the whole process. We chose to adopt the “work based learning” methodology and we will realize an HardWare and SoftWare system for data acquisition composed of: * a data acquisition device * an interface server * a web portal. This system will serve the purpose of monitoring, remotely, some physiological functions for: * bedridden patients * sportsmen/women in training * workers doing “extreme” work. In class, there will be simulations of business activities which will involve * the definition of the product specifications * making and verification * solution to emerging problems * final testing. The students will be divided in groups, some dedicated to the ICT component, others to the research of BIO-MEDICAL parameters. They will work in a team, continuously exchanging information both within the school and with the partners. Students and teachers will always be involved in every phase of the project, from the definition of product specification, to the final testing. This method of work will require continuous confrontation and the definition of a model of good practices. There will be 6 common meetings, 2 for each Country, all lasting 5 days. In these occasions, the technical-vocational aspects of the activities performed by each school will be analysed and the following activities will be discussed. However, these moments will also be an opportunity to delve much deeper in the cultural background of the hosting Country through visits to museums, historical and artistical landmarks. There will also be convivial moments. Furthermore, during these meetings there will be the opportunity to meet entrepreneurs and to visit companies, so as to give the opportunity to get better acquainted to the world of work of the Country. The positive results reached by the students, validated by the companies that will support the project, will be the legacy of a common work that will make teachers want to continue this kind of cooperation in order to enable the students to meet the real needs of the society. Of course, the most important benefits of all this activities will be the contribution it will give to the diffusion of the principles of European cooperation, involving new teachers and many students during this whole journey of growth.
Koordinátor:Stredná priemyselná škola elektrotechnická, Karola Adlera 5, Bratislava