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Master Your Emotional Intelligence Skills through Game Cards
Číslo projektu:2019-1-RO01-KA229-063899_4
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:27840 €
Sumár projektu: Studies show that early school leaving is an important problem of education systems in almost all European countries. Causes of early school leaving; there are complex difficulties such as academic inadequacy, economic difficulties, familial causes, social and school-related causes, physical and psychological barriers, peer bullying, and broken relationships with teachers. It is clear that we have indirect or direct effect on some of these reasons. On some of our effect is very limited. We have planned to contribute to eliminating the problems we believe to have an impact on this project. Educational systems and teachers often prefer to evaluate students according to their academic achievement. At the same time, we observe that the students who are qualified as academically successful and hard working are often forced to express themselves socially. This shows us that the scale of intelligence, called E.Q, does not reflect success in all areas. That is why according to the Future Job Report Economic Forum data, Emotional Intelligence will be in the 6th place in 2020 and 6th in 10 basic skills. School drop-out rates vary from school to school, suggesting school variables that contribute directly to drop-out. Very crowded, male students ,families with low socio-economic levels and families with minority groups have a higher risk of dropping out of schools in . The schools included in our project stated that the dropout rate was undesirable in their own countries and schools. Our claim is that our students and teachers can improve their emotional intelligence skills and increase the rate of attendance and decrease the risk of early school drop-out. Why emotional intelligence? Emotional intelligence means ; managing emotions in positive ways to reduce stress, effective communication, empathy with others, overcoming difficulties, ability to neutralize conflict. The effects of these skills can be observed both in the student and in the teacher and partly in the parents:The improvement of the students' academic achievement, the improvement of the characteristics that will encourage the students to stay in the school, such as building better relations with their peers, teachers and their families, reducing the conflict by empathizing, fighting against difficulties.An increase in emotional intelligence skills in teachers will ensure that our project will continue to have effects in the medium and long term after the completion of our project. Teachers will start a process where numerous students can also benefit. But how do we aim to increase emotional intelligence skills? We are planning 4 blended mobility, 2 TTA . During the TTA, we want to bring together school administrators, school counselors and teachers from various branches to achieve a strong school dynamics. In these meetings, the project year will be planned and the teachers will be informed about the project materials.So what do we mean by project materials? First of all, all teachers will be given a detailed training on emotional intelligence. In the workshop activities to be held on other days, game materials prepared on the development of life skills previously revealed in another project will be used.The skills that are required to be developed with these cards are the basic skills that each individual should have. The lack of them raises social problems and is compatible with 100% emotional intelligence skills. These games written in detail in the activities section are as follows; Curious Letters, Thinking Cards, Team Building, Communicating, Construction. Curious Letters is a sort of ice crushing activity, because each blended mobility is planned as the first day activity. The purpose of this activity is; to break the ice in the first stage by meeting the students(aged 13-17) and the teachers if desired, and to develop a clear and comfortable dialogue between each other.It is seen that only this game serves the specific purposes of our project and the general objectives of Erasmus + projects. It will ensure the adaptation of the students to the new environment and increase the motivation of the school environment. Intercultural integration, an increase in language skills and self-expression are the expected results.Other games are planned but will be revised at TTA meetings and repeated if desired. All of these games have been tested on both children and adults. The purpose of each of these games is different from the other. The behavioral changes that are expected to be developed in total are: ice breaking, meeting, coordination, team culture, strategy, time management, communication, teamwork, group dynamics, sharing ideas and thematic issues. In summary, our project presents a rare solution to the early school leaving, which is an important problem in the European dimension, with the education of emotional intelligence, and it is also unique with the specially designed game cards we plan to use.
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