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The Dreams Begin at School
Číslo projektu:2019-1-TR01-KA229-075440_2
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:31470 €
Sumár projektu:The Dreams Begin at School is a project that is mainly focused on struggling against early school dropout. The project is developed by the cooperation of schools that are composed of students at risk and that are willing to share their experiences and methods to cope with the early school dropout. Romania and Bulgaria, as participating partners, and Turkey, as the coordinating partner, have mostly students at risk of the early school dropout. However, other partners from Lithuania and Slovakia are comprised of students at lower risk. During the project, both the methods used to struggle against the early school dropout for a long time period at schools in Turkey and innovative instructional and educational strategies from Lithuania will be shared with all partners. Partners from Slovakia have the potential to practice innovative educational methods. With the help of the Project, they will have the opportunity to convert the potential into the experience, while applying all these methods with participant students and teacher. Although in Romania and Bulgaria schools are comprised of disadvantaged students, they are striving to use their sources the best. These schools will have the opportunity to share their educational experiences and methods that they had already practiced and will gain new experiences from mobility. Since our school, as the project coordinator, is composed of students that mostly have disadvantages, we need to deal with the risk of the early school dropout on a regular basis and to gain experiences on the improvement of teachers and students. The promotional activity that will be conducted at the extent of this project will draw attention to early school dropout internationally, nationally and regionally. That enlightening will create an adequate environment for all other shareholders to contribute and to use their sources. The aim of this project is enriched with a lot of activities that will help the participants to improve their skills and abilities on environmental sensibility, usage of technology, socialization, directing students to physical activities, gaining innovative educational methods and finally learning in between cultures in addition to coping with early school dropout. Turkey and Lithuania Teacher Educational activities were planned to increase the efficiency of teachers as a condensed programme. Then, it was aimed to apply these learning outcomes with the help of educational activities performed by students and teachers in Romania, Slovakia, Turkey, and Bulgaria respectively and it was aimed to share the best practices to increase the effects of this project. Since the schools at this project are located at the poor neighbors, the students will have a chance to attend the activities abroad and will host visitors from abroad for the first time in their life. The most important activities of this project are planned to be conducted along with another project that was started on eTwinning and called the same name as this project. The first activities performed on eTwinning were planned to serve as preparation activities before the project and increase its extent after the project will be initiated. In this way, we aim to increase the effectiveness of the activities before the mobility. Furthermore, after the mobility, the platform will have become an area for socialization, encouraging the share, experiencing learning outcomes, making preparations on culture, providing communication among students, organizing educational activities, webinars and discussions. In our project, eTwinning plays a significant role for the teachers and students that are not able to attend this project to become a part of this project. The advertisement of the project activities should be done on school websites, social media and local media sources that will enable local sources to draw attention to early school dropout. Local sources are expected to take action on this issue as a result of this project. After realizing the issue of the early school dropout, it is expected from institutions, organizations, foundations, volunteers, and companies besides public and local authorities to take action on this issue and it is aimed to conduct activities on struggling against the early school dropout with our partners. The domain ( that was purchased by our school is designed for the aim of increasing the efficiency of the project by converting learning outcomes into online educational activities. Moreover, the advertisement of the website will be done through portals mostly used by educators. It will provide them with a domain to convert their project activities into online courses. After the project activities are completed, the project will be broadcasted on eTwinning. With the help of the portal, it is planned to extend the use of the project while enriching and repeating the content of the activities. In the end, there will be an enormous effect on an international basis.
Koordinátor:Základná škola s materskou školou Jána Vojtaššáka, Zákamenné 967