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e-Courses for English Teachers
Číslo projektu:2020-1-SK01-KA226-SCH-094259
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:194815 €
Sumár projektu:Teaching foreign languages is currently a must in educational systems all over the world and having relevantly qualified teachers is taken for granted. Foreign language teachers, no matter how well qualified they are, over time they experience feeling of the need to upgrade their skills and competences because of not having a direct contact with the language they teach. Long time monitoring of the needs of foreign language teachers by teacher trainers in institutions involved has proved the vital need for refreshment courses the foreign language teachers look for. National CPD institutions rarely provide such courses and courses offered abroad are not accessible to everyone. Furthermore, current COVID-19 pandemic has made the situation even more complicated. That is why the consortium of project partners has decided to develop CPD e-courses for English teachers online. The objective of the project is to design four modules of e-courses for English teachers which can easily be combined to satisfy different professional needs of English teachers and their different time availability. Furthermore, such e-courses are accessible also to participants with special needs. The e-courses for English teachers will be designed and developed by the consortium of four partners from three countries – Aspekt Foundation and from Slovakia, Ostrava University (OSU) from the Czech Republic and University of Bielsko-Biala (ATH) from Poland. Three of the partners (Aspekt Foundation, OSU, ATH) are experts in foreign language (English) course provision, two of them (OSU, ATH) in teacher training and one of them ( is an IT expert. Two partners (OSU, ATH) are higher education institutions, one partner Aspekt Foundation is NGO, and is SME. All project partners have highly qualified staff with long-term experience in the field. In order to achieve the above stated objectives, the project partners will make sure the relevant measures are taken within the life of the project and conditions for their fullfillment are created in their respective institutions. This task requires: - to design an innovative modular system of e-courses devoted to four areas identified by in-service teachers as a need for improvement: grammar competences, language skills, methodology of teaching English skills and competences, literature and intercultural knowledge upgrade; - to develop training materials in compliance with the designed modules and suggested e-courses, i.e. to design and agree the content and topics addressed in e-mode delivery; - to pilot developed e-courses for English teachers in preliminary summer training activities to get feedback from their participants in order to make necessary amendments in them; - to make the target groups aware of the project about the developed e-courses and make them accessible to those who are interested; - to design CPD e-course(s) for English teachers in compliance with national legislation and submit them for accreditation to the relevant legislative body, - to advertise the accredited e-courses for English teachers and run them by institutions involved in the project, and use them as examples of good practice for other institutions. The intellectual outputs developed within the life of the project will all be accessible on the project website not only for project partners but also for a wider community of in-service English teachers as well as will-be English teachers and other interested public also beyond the project life. They will serve as the basis for multiplier events (E1 – E3) with project stakeholders who are expected to use it directly or disseminate the information about the e-courses to staff and experts involved in teaching foreign languages. The developed materials will have a considerable impact on the target group of English teachers as to their language and methodology competences and skills and self-confidence and quality of learning outputs of their students. It is expected that the materials will be used long after the project life when the institutions involved in the project will advertise and run the accredited CPD e-courses for English teachers and when even other stakeholders responsible for CPD of teachers will consider the materials displayed on the project website and methodology used for their development as examples worth to follow and develop similar e-courses for teachers of other subjects.
Koordinátor:Nadácia Aspekt