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Enhancing student and teacher success through STEM education
Číslo projektu:2017-1-BG01-KA219-036215_6
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:0 €
Sumár projektu:Today’s global world faces all the teachers with new challenges. They have to have the needed tools and skills to teach students from all the different nationalities and to be able to manage the educational process with the many cultural differences in a classroom. The aims and objectives of this project are to meet those essential needs. Teachers from Bulgaria, Portugal, Romania, Austria, Finland, Slovakia will practice new methods of teaching in a multicultural environment. The aim of the present project is to identify successful strategies and techniques in the teaching process of science . The teachers will be able to implement the practices from the partners workshops in science aria in every participating school . This will benefit the school as a whole by strengthening the literacy of the students and therefore increasing the level of their results. The individual student and a teacher would also benefit from the strategies learned by helping them improve their English, science knowledge and ICT skills. An eTwinning project will be registered - "Enhancing student and teacher success through STEM education'’, which will share the results of the practice of the participating schools. The main idea will be to share good practices and innovative techniques in teaching science at our schools. We will create stories as fairy tales for different science areas. We will make experiments and will collect all results in a e-book. We will create a brochure "A few ideas for science education in primary level " with methodology instructions how to manage the lessons in science area with use of digital technologies and Internet resources. We will teach each other how to use different ICT and Internet resources and tools and will create a booklet or scientific article of formative assessment methods to improve learning in science subjects .The brochure and the booklet will be written in 7 languages- English, German, Bulgarian, Romanian, Finish, Slovakian, Portuguese and will be published in the project website and in the project twinspace. We will do practical work during the science lessons- preparing for the experiments that each country will present to each other, through web meetings on Skype or Google hangouts and during the Learning/Teaching/Training activities. Another interesting approach, will be that all the students involved, will be taught by other partners students. The students from one of the partner schools will lead the online sessions, where two or three partner schools will attend. They will make instructions in English and will teach other partner students how to do each experiment. Students will be teachers for other students. The same procedure will be used during the Learning/Teaching/Training activities. The partner schools have to prepare for the meeting, by getting the right equipment ready for each online session. The teachers from all participating schools will work close together in an international team. We will document all the science sessions on film, and share them and the written instructions on TwinSpace , the e- book and the project web page. Students and teachers will work jointly in small groups, to organize the experiments and online meetings. The students in every school will also work in small teams, to do research on Internet and collect facts. Thanks to the project, the students will use Internet for educational purposes. Early science for children is all about building their natural curiosity about the world and encouraging exploration. Discovering cause and effect, making guesses, observing, estimating and measuring are part of this exciting journey, so we are willing to promote STEM at our schools doing something new and reliable with our students in science classes. We understand how important the early years are to both parents and their children. This is a time of remarkable growth, when children are experiencing rapid development, learning new skills and progressing steadily towards physical, intellectual, and social-emotional milestones. We strongly believe that joining this partnership project will give us the chance to work on other countries and cultures in a motivated and lively way. With our project we hope to be able to teach our students about the importance of science-citizen interaction. Through this project we are particularly encouraged by students' enthusiasm for research, science and experiments but also history and geography. We wish to encourage the exploration and interpretation of natural phenomena, and inspire them as much as possible to continue their studies in science disciplines. Project objectives are connected with developing of methodology for project implementation into the curriculum. Teachers will use advanced ICT and digital skills and new innovative pedagogical approaches in science school subjects.
Koordinátor:Spojena skola, Tilgnerova 14, Bratislava