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Quality implementation in career guidance
Číslo projektu:2017-1-SK01-KA202-035411
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:236730 €
Sumár projektu:As quality requirements and the need for career guidance in different context are increasing (development of upskilling pathways, development of complex systems of validation and recognition of non-formal and informal learning, increased frequency of different transitions etc.), numerous initiatives for quality assurance and professionalisation are spreading. However, experience shows that the actual implementation and real life usage of these different quality assurance mechanisms are often lacking - the establishment of professional standards and organisational quality standards is only the first necessary step in the development of national quality assurance systems. The QUAL-IM-G consortium wants to address this gap by collecting tangible evidence and developing tools for a more efficient implementation of quality assurance systems based on standards for individual counsellors and organizations providing career guidance in the countries participating in the strategic partnership. In the first phase of the project the consortium will analyse the current practices in quality assurance in career guidance practices in different countries in order to identify their usage, impact and analyse the success factors and limits (O1 - Analytical paper). The conclusions from this work will be used to develop 4 outputs that will strengthen the implementation of different quality standards in partner countries: - Mentoring programme for CG practitioners (O2) - Certification/accreditation procedure of CG practitioners (O3) - Quality development framework for organizations providing career guidance (O4) - Audit/labelling procedure for organizations providing career guidance (O5) The project will focus on the impact and success factors of different quality assurance systems and approaches in place in partner countries and on selected existing trans-national standards for career guidance. The project will not develop new quality standards, but will produce guidelines, tools, methods and procedures that will facilitate the implementation of existing standards on national and European level. Project results will be tested with existing quality standards in partner countries: 28 career guidance counsellors and 12 organizations will be involved in the testing of different outputs. In some national contexts (Slovakia, Czechia, Norway) the project will be realized in parallel with the development of the national quality assurance systems for career guidance In other countries, the developed tools will strengthen the implementation of the currently existing national standards. On the European level, the project results will provide stakeholders from different countries with guidelines and tools based on the analysis of existing practices and validated by a test in specific national setting. In this way a multi-directional transfer of expertise and experience with a real european added value will be assured. Given the outreach potential of the consortium, the foreseen number of stakeholders involved in the project is 8000, with impact on national levels, and also European level, through association of transnational networks (FECBOP, IAEVG). The QUAL-IM-G project builds on the experience of different previously implemented projects and initiatives in the field of quality assurance in career guidance. Project consortium is composed by leading European institutions in the field of evidence research and quality assurance in career guidance (International Centre for Guidance Studies and Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences), four roof organizations for career guidance (German National Guidance Forum in Education, Career and Employment, Dutch association of career guidance counsellors Noloc, Slovak Association for Career Guidance and Career Development, Czech Association for Career Guidance and Career Development) and partners, who besides expertise in the field of career guidance have extensive expertise in quality assurance and process management (BKS Uspech, ABIF, OZ Better Future).
Koordinátor:BKS Úspech