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Career Coaches for Low Qualified Adults
Číslo projektu:2017-1-SK01-KA204-035385
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:149610 €
Sumár projektu:Institutional support, such as public employment services, career guidance agencies, adult learning providers and similar organisations, need to use pedagogical frameworks which actively encourage awareness of the value of career adaptive behaviour of low skilled people. From our experience as a placement agency the traditional professional guidance, which is rather passive than active, is not effective. The system needs holistic approaches, tailored to the needs of individuals and practices targeted on goal setting and achievement. Coaching applied to classical professional guidance could be contradictory in theory yet it provides an alternative and a completely different approach to guidance. Career guidance professionals are seldom trained in the latest coaching techniques, which multinational companies and consultants tend to access This project aims to revolutionise professional guidance and explore coaching as a tool to support low-skilled unemployed people to reflect on blocks and obstacles to their decision making, identify patterns of behaviour form the past that may impact future choice and work as catalyst in helping them define their own way forward. The project will implement a specialised training for guidance practitioners (private/public) to become Career Coaches as well as provide them with useful complementary ICT tools to support their daily practice, empower und up-skill low-skilled unemployed adults. 4 organisations from 4 countries across Europe (Slovakia, Spain UK and Cyprus) supported by Public Administrations as associated partners, have decided to join this proposal to promote and support improvements in sustainability, performance and efficiency in Career Guidance and adult education & training by improving their practice and tools to prepare future workers for a constantly evolving and challenging labour market. Target Group: We are aiming at targeting guidance practitioners though a specially tailored coaching programme as well supporting unemployed low skilled adults in fostering a positive mind-set and enhancing their soft-skills competences, vital for their employability potential. All together, the project will involve from 20 to 40 guidance professionals and approximately 100 low skilled workers. The specific objectives of this project proposal are: • To provide career advisors in each participating country with the latest, more effective and individualized methods and tools to support low-skilled unemployed adults such as strengths based coaching techniques amongst others. • To support and empower low-skilled unemployed helping to change their mind-set by discovering their strengths, skills and interests though the most appropriate training and by helping them develop a set of skills to unlock their career potential. • To promote European networking between private and public entities dealing with unemployed adults with holistic collaborative approaches to support and guidance as well as to develop methods and create conditions for tailored and personalized trainings, thus increasing adults individual opportunities for the future. The project has 4 Intellectual Outputs (IO): IO1 – Building a Competence Framework for Career Coaches specialised in supporting low skilled unemployed (and mapping them against coaching skills) IO2 Design of Innovative coaching intervention practices IO3 Modern ICT Tools to Support Career Management Learning Paths for Low-Skilled IO4 Recommendations to Policy Makers on New Strategies to Support Effective Career Guidance to Low Skilled Unemployed Adults. The project plans several multiplier events, involving all together 190 national and 10 international participants. The first event will take place in the middle of the project to present the report on Career Guidance for Low-skilled unemployed and Competence Framework for Career Coaches. The second event will take place at the end of the project to present the final outputs of the project: the implementation of the coaching programme to Guidance Practitioners and the ICT Tools.
Koordinátor:EUROPERSONAL & SERVIS s.r.o.