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Let’s have fun with the business start-up
Číslo projektu:2018-1-SK01-KA202-046271
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:253596 €
Sumár projektu:The European Union is facing a worsening youth employment crisis - youth unemployment rates are generally much higher, even double or more than double, than unemployment rates for all ages [1]. In November 2017, 3,698 million young persons (under 25) were unemployed in the EU28, of whom 2,624 million were in the euro area. The average youth unemployment rate in EU-28 is 18,7%, and in some countries this rate is even close to 50% (GR 47,3%, IT 37,8%, SK 22,2% in 2016). As is presented in the publication "Labour market in Slovakia" [3], the rate of youth (15-24 years) unemployment in Slovakia is the sixth highest among EU countries. Moreover, Slovakia is third in order of proportion of long-term youth unemployment - 57,2%. High youth unemployment rates do reflect the difficulties faced by young people in finding jobs. One of the way how to reduce the high amount of unemployed young people is to help them start own business. Youth entrepreneurship is vital for creating employment and sustainable growth and has become a priority in the EU policy agenda as a tool to combat unemployment and social exclusion as well as stimulating innovation among young people. So, it is vital to inspire and motivate young people to start own bussines, assist them gain strong entrepreneurship skills and competences and ensure that the next generation of professionals have strong knowledge and entrepreneurship spirit. The main objective of Biz4Fun is to increase the competitiveness of young, mostly unexperienced people, on the job market in partners‘ countries. Young people usually have many various ideas, but it is very difficult to realize those projects due to lack of courage, funds or capacities... Biz4Fun project asnwers for these challenges by broadening the young people economic knowledge, shaping the basics of entrepreneurship, transferring the ability to consciously plan your own career path, reducing disproportions in the knowledge of financial tools, presents example of succeful start-ups etc. Based on aim described above, following specific aims are set up: 1) To create and publish a guide on how to develop successful Biz4Fun “Course curriculum & Content”. 2) To create and publish course content and an open educational resources (OER), guiding young practitioners on the topics and skills most needed to establish and manage a business company. 3) To develop a social game – one in which progress may be shared and compared with peers – that supports and links back to the OER to reinforce learning outcomes. Through synergic effect of international cooperation, transfer of innovation and development of innovations and additional values, the 7 partners from 6 countries set up main intellectual outcomes of the project: • O1: Biz4Fun Course curriculum & Content - how to develop a successful business • O2: Biz4Fun 3D Virtual world and social game • O3: Biz4Fun online open educational resources • O4: Handbook for Biz4Fun social game or how to make entrepreneurship more understandable Biz4Fun project will have a strong impact on youth, young students and in general young individuals that have interest to improve their situation on job market. Also, teachers/trainers/tutors and youth educational centers and schools will benefit by utilizing the developed tools in their teaching. From this point of view, Biz4Fun the target groups can be defined as follow: • young people which have an interest in setting up and running their own business, • unemployed young people, who could gain useful skills to increase their employability or start businesses of their own, • already employed young people but looking for chances to increase their skills and entrepreneurship capabilities, • educational centers, career counselors and agencies, institutions and organizations involved in VET, • policy makers and umbrella organisations, which can provide help and resources for incubators, startups and spinoffs.
Koordinátor:Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita v Nitre