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Edu- paths
Číslo projektu:2018-1-SK01-KA229-046300
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:113110 €
Sumár projektu: Exceptional accomplishments in exploration and further development, on the sea, in the mountains and in the world of nature and society, feature strongly in our European history. Reflecting this heritage, European states have led the way in the use of outdoor learning and adventure for the development of young people. Instead of formal education we invite students to learn by doing. By doing this project we intend to strenghten the unity among students and their immediate environment. We will try to connect elements of natural and cultural heritage and reawaken the local heritage through a portrayal of past activities linked with the present. The project´s aim is to highlight, protect and promote each country’s cultural heritage, natural beauty, tourist attractions as well as using all gathered information in an educational environment. Moreover, we will adapt gathered knowledge to needs of school curriculum which reflects requirements of modern education in the 21st century. Although in a text books and/ or tourist brochures they can easily find information about the most interesting sights, they are unable to distinguish those sights and their role and importance in their natural/ cultural environment. Going out of the classroom to the towns, old factories, castles, agricultural dwellings, mountains, parks, meadows or gardens we will guide students through the process of active and engaging learning with strong connection to their history and culture. Teamwork ability of students nowadays is decreasing, as well as the ability to find compromises, cooperate and work out mutual strategies. Enabling participants to work in multinational teams will contribute to enlarging their open-mindedness towards differences in languages, cultures and traditions. Since English is the working language of our project and all coordinators possess language, ICT skills, our main aim is to promote, develop and improve language competences through transversal skills. Some of us have worked together before and we are aware of the abundance of related information to be found on the Internet, some of which is valid, much of which is a waste of time. Applications will include the Etwinning project website, Wikiloc, Joomag, Google docs and maps, Google Earth, school radio.Therefore, we will continue our dedicated search for open-source digital tools and educational resources, selecting only those applications which have been truly tested among our pupils and received their positive feedback as well as didactic success. Our intention is to transform all the information gathered while exploring our immediate surroundings into interactive, learner-centred, multi-disciplinary lesson plans, which can be re-used in the CLIL classroom, as an independent learning tool or, in a simplified format,for peer teaching. Each school will prepare at least two lesson plans per school year. The information will include references to Nature, history, geography, ecology and economy and will be presented in English. The other objectives of the Edu- paths project can be expressed as follow: 1) to develop sense of responsibility and solidarity among countries, 2) to make students to be actively involved at presenting their cultural heritage 3) to promote the value and necessity of local, national and international cooperation in the prevention and solution of preserving natural and cultural heritage 4) To gain the skills, abilities and qualifications in a new educational surroundings to get a better professional and personal development, adapt new methods into school curricullum 5) To show the improvement of mobility and promoting among young people the idea of learning through the whole life Realization of the project will include not only those members who will take part at LTT activities but also all of the students/ teachers who will profit directly from produced CLIL material as well as educational paths. Most of the products will be incorporated in each school curriculum so having an Europen project will be the most effective way of integrating and adapting cultural/ natural heritage for educational purposes. The main target groups are students at the age of 12- 16 as well as teachers willing to use new paedagogical approaches. The most important issue of this project is to sustain the outcomes we will achieve once it is finished. Activities and their results that will be mantained after the end of EU funding: - common Etwinning project site will be kept and mantained - The educational path and knowledge gained from the experience provided by the project will be accessible via the project's webpage as well as in tourist/ municipality offices - The educational material produced during realization of the project will be used in the curriculum of each school in following years - Educational games will be used during ERASMUS PLUS day at schools in following years in order to promote EU programmes
Koordinátor:Sukromna zakladna skola