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Číslo projektu:2018-1-SK01-KA229-046342
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:93310 €
Sumár projektu:Due to struggle with a growing number of young graduates unable to succeed in the labour market in all four participating countries, the project tries to develop skills and competences which are essential for successful professional and personal life.The long-term objectives of the project are based on outcomes of distributed and analysed questionnaires among all participants.They all have realised that the key factors of prosperity and well-being of all members of society are those stated in the project aims and objectives.They create the stepping stones of labour market flexibility ane are essential part of future prosperity of all members of EU. In order to achieve the goals, the first step is to modernize education systems,to focus our efforts on motivation of students who face any kind of ostracism and discrimination.In this project, 96 students and 26 teachers will be involved directly in learning activities which will be hosted by participating schools.Around 360 students and 36 teachers will be involved in the project indirectly through skype/online learning activities - VIRTUAL LEARNING ACTIVITIES which will be organised between learning activities and their role is to involve a greater number of target persons / students and teachers/.They will work in internationally mixed teams to improve their language and collaboration skills.Thank to varied courses they will be able to approach tasks from different angles.Students participating in learning activities study in following courses: Business Academy, International Business Relations, Logistics,Economics,Technical Maintance,Chemistry,Informatics and Business Administration.Teachers in all four participating countries call for opportunities to share ideas, support from more experienced fellow teachers and informal exchange of examples of good practice among European countries. During each learning activity participants will create their own modules on VIC - VIRTUAL INNOVATION CENTRES. Each module will consist of tutorials,presentations,interactive activities,worksheets,self-assessment tests and many others that will be available to students, teachers and public not only in participating countries but worldwide. Through implementing innovative approach - using learning and teaching modules / via Moodle/, concepts of blended learning and the flipped classroom, introducing methods to improve teaching and learning foreign languages: Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), we will be able to deliver necessary skills and competencies not only to pupils but to teachers as well through attending both types of learning activities. In this project we want to concentrate on implementing entrepreneurship education, so young people studying different courses can start their own companies that might operate on global market.We want them to overcome fear and doubts, because thanks to active participation in the project and its follow-up activities they might be self-confident, ambitious and active young entrepreneurs. Our plan is to make them break stereotypes and stand up for themselves. We want to teach them how they can create businesses where they will contribute not only to the country welfare but also European community taking into account local/regional/world society needs in future. They will learn how to follow the rules of fair trade promoting local and regional suppliers and meet the environmental needs in terms of being nature friendly and ecological. Crucial outcomes of this project are development of key skills and competencies, such as critical-thinking, communication, financial literacy and very important collaboration skills ( ability to cooperate in multiracial, multicultural and multilingual envronment) . They need to be goal-oriented and creative to be able to solve problems and come up with innovations.Thank to Virtual Innovation Centre all participating countries will be able to improve the education and students learning outcomes.Due to its feasibility and accessibility this ambitious project has a potential to serve as an open source learning platform and ensure its long-term sustainability.All participating countries plan to share project outcomes in other projects and cooperations on different platforms, such as eTwinning and other programmes of European Union.
Koordinátor:Stredna odborna skola obchodu a sluzieb - Kereskedelmi es Szolgaltatoipari Szakkozepiskola