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Water ecosystems in Europe
Číslo projektu:2019-1-CZ01-KA229-061438_3
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:30714 €
Sumár projektu:The project,,Water ecosystem in Europa” is focused on the joint research in hydrology, meteorology and biology and exchange of experience and mutual learning in the course of scientific measurements and activities related to it. During two years, students will be conducting identical hydrology measurenments of the qualities of lake water and observations of the water animals living in the lake and the plant growing in and around the lake. The lake is situated not far the schools. They will process the measured values and results of observations and make conclusions from them. It will assist them to understand how the quality of the lake water influences biodiversity in and around the lake and microclima near the lake and if it is like as in the region of partner schools. Students will also learn about differences in hydrological and biological research among regions of partner schools. They will publish the results and conclusions in booklet. Students will also make videos about hydrology and biology measurenments and observations. It will be message for people how the protection of nature is importent. They will take photos of their work and use it for making calendar. Furthermore, students will make a book called “Europeans water biodiversity” which will contain photos and information about animals living in the lakes and about the plants growing in and around the lakes. While working on the book, students will acquire new knowledge about water ecosystem that can lead to further development of their interest in nature. During the short-term exchanges of groups of students, students will get acquainted with scientific measurements of nature and observations that they are unfamiliar with, test activities related to them and have a discussion about water ecosystem. They will also visit interesting places in nature and institutions specializing in nature sciences and ecology. Students will utilize new experiences and skills in their further nature science work. Students will communicate in English which will help them to improve their language skills. The dictionary, that students will make together, will increase their range of vocabulary. Three schools involved in the project have been making nature science measurements and observations for at least 12 years. One school do not have experiences in this area, but does ecology projects and inquery based learning. Schools present their results and conclusions in their countries only. Cooperation with the other European schools will enable them to expand their development in the scope of nature science activities. Each school involved in the project will use 3-6 teachers of nature science and English classes, and 20-30 students aged 11-16 years that have been involved in nature science activities before. Students will present the results, findings, and implementation of the project work to their classmates, teachers, parents, and the public. This will give them access to new sources of information, support development of positive approach to the environment and nature, and show them possibilities of cooperation among people from different European countries. Teachers, which will not be directly working on the project, can use it as an inspiration for their future line of work. Students that are not that involved in nature science activities might develop an interest in this field.
Koordinátor:Základná škola