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Nationalität und Identität als Zukunftsaufgabe Europas auf der Grundlage gemeinsamer Geschichte und Verantwortung
Číslo projektu:2019-1-DE03-KA229-059612_2
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:30722 €
Sumár projektu:Based on common history and responsibility a European nationality and Identity is our challenge for the future As a two years lasting cooperative project among schools we plan to bring students from the „Gymnazium Tvrodosin (Slovakia), the Gymnazium Lovassy Laszlo (Hungary), the Gymnazium Rajec-Jestrebi (Czech Republic) and our school, Gymnasium Ricarda-Huch-Schule Braunschweig (Germany) together, in order to reflect on the theme of the European process of integration and identity. The nations of Slovakia, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Germany unifies a common but changeful history. Therefore one might judge their relationship as burdened. To clear this and to rehabilitate dependencies merging into a common European identity shall be the project’s aim. Through a close cooperation among these schools and their students should an exchange of experiences on certain project´s topics enlighten our mutual understanding. Especially an integration of extracurricular places and personal contacts within the participating countries with their different societies and systems should give the students the opportunity of regional researches in four different specific environments. Students from grade 9 on should work in project groups in their schools on common themes relating to culture, society, politics and/or economy, framed by the concept of „nationality and identity“ as a regional and European goal. Meanwhile the students will meet in different places to bring their work and ideas together, to exchange themselves in order to prepare some kind of documentation. This could be an exhibition, a movie or video or any other product that could be used afterwards to not only present the student´s experiences to each school but also within the regional participating societies. The elements of „history, presence and future“ should be the basis of these products and a forward-looking discussion. Different aspects for their research will develop out of the student´s interests, e.g. developments in society, art and music, regional traditions, sports and so on. We are convinced that such a broad project will enrich each school´s society and the involved students will profit from their experience and research work in order to push the idea of a European identity forward.