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Energizing people
Číslo projektu:2019-1-DE03-KA229-059615_3
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:23105 €
Sumár projektu:We are convinced that today’s issues, from environmental aspects, clean and affordable energy for everyone to integration and inclusion of all members of society cannot be solved from a single nation but only thanks to international cooperation, dialogue, agreements and actions. Erasmus + seems to be the perfect chance to educate students to it. This project gives the opportunity to foster the mission of our schools and at the same time enhances the use of English, the official language of the project, and of ICT. Our project aims are threefold and we will constantly work on three different levels: a personal level, school level and a European or even global level. We wish our students to be more open-minded towards the idea of exchange and communication with their European neighbours. In a more concrete way, we want to create not only awareness for ecological issues, but also acquire knowledge and competences how to deal with this topic. Each school will create workgroups of 20 to 25 students and a teaching team to accompany the students, aged 15 to 17, during the mobilities but mostly in their work while preparing a future meeting or the concrete project products. These will be a student's portfolio with personal data and all project results, an exposition with different documents from audio-visual material to concrete objects for the different energy forms which will be produced during the meetings. Finally, the participants will create teaching material which can be used directly as very recent and authentic material to teach the topic of energy concepts in Europe. Apart from the creation of these products, the participants will gain first-hand experience of the specific energy form in each country by visiting an energy plant during each meeting. The evaluation and preparation of meetings will be done at project events which are placed before and after each mobility. This planning also guarantees good monitoring of the project's evolution and in case of problems they can be solved in short term. By choosing this topic of energy concepts in Europe, we express the strong belief that this issue is one which only can be solved in a common policy and it is of European or even global interest. We were confirmed in our attitude by the Agenda 2013 which states this issue as one of the objectives to achieve by the global community. Therefore we expect that the results of the project which will be made available as well on a local as on an international level by the dissemination via the internet will encounter a broad interest and hopefully will find its way into other schools.
Koordinátor:Spojená škola
Ivanka pri Dunaji