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Quijotes contra molinos: jóvenes soñando una nueva Europa
Číslo projektu:2019-1-ES01-KA229-065552_2
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:19044 €
Sumár projektu:In the current European social context, we need schools that prepare their students for their future career and that also teach them to be active and responsible citizens. We feel necessary that our students know and value the cultural heritage around them and that they can act in it to improve their society. Teenagers show a lack of motivation to study as well as a lack of social recognition to their work. We consider necessary to make them the leaders of a significative learning by working as agents of change in their environment and spreading educational values in their society. The project mainly aims at highlighting the three participating regions’ cultural heritage as elements for cohesion and development, to implement the service-learning methodology in the three participating schools, to foster citizenship attitudes in our students, to improve our students' abilities to communicate in different European languages and to improve the social consideration of the schools in their environment. The students participating in the project will be 14-15 years old in the 2019-2020 school year. A total of 24 students will participate in the planned mobilities (12 of them in long-term stays), and a lot of teachers (in a total of 18 mobilities) will also participate in the three visits of the first year of the project to organize the mobilities, and also in the last activity in France. The teachers of the three schools will meet during the first year of the project to organize the mobilities and the activities to be done in the second year. They will be short-term training visits and there will be a total of three: the first one in Spain (coordinator of the project), the second one in France and the third one in Slovakia. The long-term mobilities of the students to the three countries participating in the project will be the second year, trying that they are at the same time. There will be a short final meeting of students and teachers as the project's final activity. The project will help the teachers of the three partner schools to manage the use of a learning-service methodology and have learning experiences in other educational and social realities. Students will also improve the knowledge of the cultural heritage and its social value through an active participation in the activities. The possible benefits for the students will be the opportunity to obtain official language levels' qualifications and recognitions, the development of their autonomous learning and the improvement of the responsibility in their studies. In addition to that, they are going to have the opportunity to practise an active citizenship, highlighting the cultural heritage in order to make it a tool for the society's transformation and improvement. They are our Quixotes, "fighting" against the windmills of intolerance, nationalism, europhobia and apathy. For teachers, the benefits will be the enrichment in the use of digital tools and devices, a better satisfaction with their teaching task, and the obtention of materials of learning-service methodology elaborated from the project that can be used in the future. We want to achieve a general improvement of learning in the three schools, and a better social consideration of them, as well as stronger ties and alliances between the partner centres and with agents, institutions and social organizations. We hope that the project will have a lasting impact over time in all the schools. Given the methodological component of it, we believe that in this area the work done in these 24 months will strengthen the basis for a collaborative methodology with social impact that becomes generalized and normalized over time. We have managed to form and involve a big number of teachers and students. Collaborative learning is expected to replace the competitive one and the results of this change will be appreciated and measurable in the academic results and in the personal attitudes of our students. The specific actions and projects developed will be registered in order to inspire other schools. The project will also help to encourage and motivate language learning. In addition, the three schools promote and plan activities of an international nature outside the projects financed by Europe, and we hope that the collaboration established in this project will continue through language exchanges, activities and all kinds of projects. The project will benefit a large group of people at a regional, national and international level because the activities carried out could be replicated, multiplying their impact.
Koordinátor:Základná škola, Staničná 13, Košice