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I do, I know, I understand, IT'S ME
Číslo projektu:2019-1-HU01-KA229-060929_4
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:13310 €
Sumár projektu:There was a transnational cooperation activity entitled “Inclusive Education – A Road to Social Inclusion” which was held in Bratislava, Slovakia between 12-14 September 2018. The main participants of this project - Jana Krajčírová, Tarja Helenius, Kaija Raud and Andrea Kovácsné Reha - met there. In this project directly 8 teachers and 12 students will participate but indirectly most of their school’s students will do the activities between the mobilities. Some of the participating teachers teach English at a primary school and some of them are special needs teachers. They complement each other well and they can work very well together. The four teachers' aims were the same and their goals met with each other. The title of the project is: I do, I know, I understand, IT’S ME. Their most important objective was to improve the Special Educational Need pupil’s reading and writing skills. Their other important goals are the followings: Exchange good practises. Better cooperation between intact pupils and LD pupils European level of cooperation and communication via creating international teams of pupils To meet unusual type of education Develop presentation skills and social competencies Develop the ability to communicate with other cultures Develop language skills Develop the courage to talk to people from other cultures After summing up the goals the planning of the project activities has begun. The planned activities were divided into groups. The imagined groups were the followings: - tasks in connection with excursions - tasks in connection with library - reading and writing activities in cooperation with poems and songs - drama activities - art education - eTwinning - Slovakia - tasks in connection with folk tales - e-book - historical tasks There will be a lot of interesting and developmental task between the mobilities, such as logo competition between the participants students, a reading competition via socrative between the students of the 4 nations, an introduction game on eTwinning, writing letters to each other and presenting our typical food or song or tale via eTwinning. Besides that we plan to realize our project by eTwinning. The expected results of this project could be divided into two parts: tangible results and not tangible results. The tangible results are the following: Memory book about the participants. Picture dictionary about animals. Own common story - ebook Recipe booklet - typical food of our countries Booklet for teachers - good practices of teaching how to improve reading and writing skills The intangible results: Students make international teams of pupils. Having new relationship. Students get to know unusual type of learning. Students gain new friends. They will get better grades. The teachers get to know new ways of teaching. IMPACT AND BENEFITS IN LONG TERM: Positive effects are expected on both sides, the group of students and the group of teachers also. Better understanding of inclusion. The curiosity increases. Stereotypes will be overthrown. Early school leaving decreases. Life-long learning will increase. Tthe inevitable burn-out process will slow down. Grow the enthusiasm and commitment. New cross-curricular content can be entered. The endurance of students will ameliorate. The position of these students will improve in the workforce which should affect their future and career choices. FOR STUDENTS The most important benefit is that all of the reading and writing activities will provide the development of the involved schools in the long-term in particularly the writing and reading skills. Excursions and adventures in the nature promote exploration, creativity and informal type of learning. It increases knowledge and respect towards the local environment and surroundings. Making videos and e-books promote the development of the digital competences skills. Via drama activities all of the students’ self-confidence will improve. Visiting museums increase better understanding of other cultures and their history. Art and music education develop motor skills and visual learning. Presenting the project via eTwinning assists the development of communication skills, language skills and speaking courage. FOR TEACHERS The staff of teachers involved in the project will benefit from comparing pedagogical and educational methods, better understanding of pupils' inclusion and exchanging teaching experiences belonging to different school systems, that are different from each other in terms of organization and methodological approaches.
Koordinátor:Základná škola, Zbehy 661