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Cross into the languages
Číslo projektu:2019-1-LT01-KA229-060592_3
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:30417 €
Sumár projektu:The Erasmus+ project “Cross into languages” is a project implemented at an international level in collaboration with partner schools from Greece, Turkey, Romania, Lithuania and Slovakia. The choice of partner schools was based on multiple criteria such as: experience relevant to our project idea, need to develop communicative skills in foreign language teaching, innovative approaches for learning experiences and with willingness to learn new teaching techniques, openness to intercultural communication and an appreciation of culture. As a result and after conducting a full SWOT analysis, this project establishes the following objectives: to develop students’ interest in learning English and to encourage students to use their skills in communication and cooperation; to introduce some innovative activities by using the foreign language as a communicative linguistic skill, in classroom environments that make use of communicative materials and simulate real-life situations, where students feel comfortable, don’t hesitate about which grammatical structure to use, the teacher is more an observer than an authority and mistakes are not corrected by the authority but by the students themselves; to use the foreign language in student’s daily lives, for instance, they should be able to buy something, accommodate, ask for an address or direction, in other words live the language when they are abroad; to train teachers on new methods through workshops and by making the adequate electronic and in-paper publications. In addition, we have also set some additional objectives for both students and teaching staff to accomplish: to compare the different curriculums and evaluate their impact on English lessons; to involve students, parents, associations, the school community, and local authorities in the project activities; to integrate English in all school subjects through CLIL modules (art, math); to teach and use ICT skills and online tools in communication and cooperation with partners; to encourage and motivate students in the development of creativity and innovation; to break barriers and increase tolerance towards other cultures and students by getting to know students from other countries. The aims of the activities are to make the process of learning more attractive and to increase students’ motivation to learn by using the language in real life (they should be able to eat, accommodate, shop, ask for directions etc.). We believe communicative skills are acquired in learning environments that simulate real life and with the use of realia through techniques such as drama, role-play and improvisation. The activities are varied, some of those that will be implemented in this project are (and include) creating different parts of our classroom to look like a bassar, a Hotel& Library a Mini city; decorating corridor walls; designing the project logo; creating the Erasmus+ corner; distributing project promotion brochures to the students and their parents, to local people, to private and state education institutions; the use of dialogues, drama, role-plays and simulation techniques; organizing the European Day of Languages Festival, presenting students their development through videos. We have planned the mobilities for planning and organization, exchanging ideas about the ongoing project, preventing difficulties, organizing teachers training session, preparing and evaluating the students’ exchanges. We have planned one short-term joint staff training event in Turkey and five short-term exchanges of groups of pupils - one in each partnerschool. Our project main target groups are 12 to 14 years-old students and teachers together with indirect beneficiaries of the project activities (parents, local officials, teachers from other schools and all local, regional, national and international stakeholders). Concrete results of the project: Simulation classes, which will create a new language spirit at all partner schools; the foreign language bulletins. Products and activity results will be presented directly at meetings through exhibitions, shows, presentations, or indirectly through CDs and letters / drawings, cards sent by mail or digital materials sent online (songs, photos, stories, games) and also in the project’s blog, e-Twinning platform, the project newsletter and the partner schools’ websites. This project will allow all students to collaborate with their international peers, sharing their knowledge and their different learning experiences while ommunicating and planning their activities in English. They will experience innovative methodologies. The teaching staff will observe their students at work and learn new techniques and methodologies for the foreign language classroom. We will continue our collaboration after the project ends and we will keep in contact via Etwinning and the official facebook group, continuing to update it with our new experiences and activities on the project theme.
Koordinátor:Základná škola, Pribinova 1, Zlaté Moravce
Zlaté Moravce