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Be creative, be innovative, be a new generation teacher
Číslo projektu:2015-1-SK01-KA101-008778
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:9015 €
Sumár projektu:We are applying for the grant in Erasmus+ School education staff mobility with the project „Be creative, be innovative, be a new generation teacher“. In the last years the education in the Slovak Republic has undergone the process of reformation, this has brought different changes to the methods, the goals and the curriculum of learning. The teachers have changed their roles in the classrooms; we shift the authoritative approach to more humanistic and cooperative one. So the main feature of our English lessons in our school is to prepare students to use English language effectively in real life; to create the communicatively competent students, who know how to produce an appropriate, natural, and socially acceptable utterance in all context of communication. To fulfil this approach our teachers through the participation in many different projects try to improve their teaching skills and abilities of choosing suitable methods to be competent to manage the classroom to follow the current demands on English teaching at primary schools. In this project take part three qualified English teachers of ZŠ pionierov1 in Rožňava Andrea Kerekešová, Lucia Hanuštiaková a Timea Donová. Their participation in courses “English and Methodology for Primary Students, Creative Methodology for the classrooms and English and Methodology for Secondary Students” can help them and also the other language teachers to be closer to the aims of our school curriculum. We are eager to study new ideas, styles, approaches and methods that we can apply in our English lessons. We believe that our students will like new creative activities better than the traditional learning. They will be more motivated and interested in English. Learning will be fun for them. We think that our participation in the training activity will contribute to give European dimension to our school – by bringing approaches, ideas, new theories in teaching and learning English. We think we can perform out teaching better by understanding the differences and similarities between the nations and it can open new dimension to our teaching. it can help us to start co-operate between our school and schools from other countries.
Koordinátor:Základná škola, Ulica pionierov 1, Rožňava