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English Language Revitalization
Číslo projektu:2015-1-SK01-KA101-008820
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:12020 €
Sumár projektu:The project "English Language Revitalization" is an innovative and upgrading activity taking place at Gymnazium Andreja Sladkovica Banska Bystrica aimed at English-language teachers and predominantly advanced language classes students. Its main objectives are to strengthen the position of the school in the region via uplifting teachers' skills, and boosting the students' performance and skills in life-long education. Lead by 4 enthusiastic English teachers experiencing an intensive two-week course in the UK, it is focused on refreshing and upgrading teaching styles, intercultural awareness and multiple intelligences differentiation.After identifying and setting the objectives, through thorough technical and theoretical preparation and completion of the chosen courses, it will result in the implementation of the newly-gained information and knowledge into the school curriculum and teaching plans,improvement of the English-speaking environment provided by the school, andbetter performance of students within and outside school. In long term horizons, the school will be endowed with qualified specialists for advanced language classes.
Koordinátor:Gymnázium Andreja Sládkoviča, Komenského 18, Banská Bystrica
Banská Bystrica