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Ready for my Future Job
Číslo projektu:2017-1-FR01-KA219-037331_3
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:0 €
Sumár projektu: The project will be led with about 180 pupils from secondary schools, (including pupils with learning difficulties, cultural differences, disabilities, social/ geographical or economic obstacles). It will involve them in a process of DISCOVERY of the THEMSELVES and of the DIFFERENT BRANCHES and JOBS from the 3 SECTORS OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITY, and the EUDUCATION/VOCATIONAL PATH leading to these JOBS, with the help of their teachers, psychologists, guidance counsellors/career advisers/associations linked to job guidance, companies/firms/farms (so professionals, craftsmen, artists from the actual working world). This practical introduction to THEMSELVES on one hand , and to JOB GUIDANCE on the other, will: - Help them identify their qualities, competences/skills and interests. - Develop these competences/skills and acquire new ones that would be useful in their future job. - Make them discover the different sectors, branches, jobs. - Make them experience, practice and develop the different skills needed for each branch/job. - Help them choose a future career plan according to their intellectual possibilities, skills and interest. - Help them understand which education path is the most appropriate to lead them to the job they chose. - Make them acquainted with today’s working world on a European level, by comparing the requirements of the jobs, and education paths leading to this job, in our 3 countries. - Allow them to experience, with a European mate, the real working world in the sector of their choice, in a farm/firm/company, in their own country and abroad, under the supervision of a professional, during a short period of internship. - Help them fill in an internship report. - Allow them to validate their experience using European tools (Europass documents). These aims will be reached through: - Researches and surveys about the different sectors of activity, on a local and regional levels :primary (resource sector), secondary (transformation) sector, tertiary (service) sector. - Project based learning and different activities related to the sectors/branches/jobs : gathering, classification, selection, creation, presentation, exchange and comparison of information). -National and transnational team learning and training activities. -Visits/excursions, workshops in farms/ firms/ industries/ factories/ offices, in relation with the 3 sectors of activity. - Practical experience with periods of internship. The results of these activities will be: - Creation of a set of ATTRACTIVE, FUNNY, ILLUSTRATED TREE DIAGRAM CARDS with, on one side, the jobs derived from the branches related to the 3 sectors of activity; and on the other side, the EDUCATION/VOCATIONAL PATH leading to the jobs. -INTERNSHIP REPORTS These results will have the following impact: - The set of TREE DIAGRAM CARDS will be used for PEER LEARNING/TEACHING with the youngest pupils (inside and outside our schools). - It will be a useful tool for a funny INTRODUCTION TO JOB GUIDANCE at a very early stage in education. - This process of passing on of information to the youngest, through peer leaning and fun adapted material, will ensure the SUSTAINABILITY of the results of the project. The project and the results will live long after the end of the project thanks to a large, well-organized DISSEMINATION of the outcomes on local/regional/national /European levels via the media, the web, the Erasmus+ tools , the other local and regional schools, willing to continue using the diagram cards, the local and regional educational authorities, and the associated partners related to job guidance.
Koordinátor:Zakladna skola Partizanske