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Hands On CLIL
Číslo projektu:2017-1-PT01-KA219-035912_4
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:0 €
Sumár projektu:The idea of this project comes out from a natural need of all partner institutions to innovate their process of teaching/learning by bringing a new method into practice and improve foreign language competences of students beginning at a very young age. As a tool to achieve these objectives we want to use CLIL /Contents and Language Integrated Learning/. Analysis reveals that bringing CLIL into real lessons faces lots of difficulties: a lack of information, teaching materials, pedagogical materials, missing support or no one to exchange information in the region as there are not many schools using the method, teachers are not prepared enough. Therefore we decided to create a partnership involving schools eager to get ready to teach with CLIL and those willing to share and exchange their experience. The partnership also aims at exploring new ways of using modern technologies such as smartphones, iPods or tablets in CLIL teaching/learning. Each school will directly involve in the project activities 5-6 teachers of different subjects according to their individual needs /Foreign Language, Maths, History, Geography, Civics, Arts, IT, Science, Physical Education, European Citizenship / and a group of 80 students who will be offered CLIL lessons as a new innovative practice according to learning settings recommendations for the 21st century. They will make a detailed analysis of the possibilities of implementation, cooperation between teachers, schools, research of pedagogical materials including rules and regulations. In cooperation with other teachers involved in the project they will test CLIL method in practice, film CLIL lessons, collect teaching materials, verify results. During regular project meetings they will do some job-shadowing, organize workshops and sessions to exchange best practice and experience, assess project activities and its results creating a website with all teaching and pedagogical materials. They will also create new school curricula and implement them into teaching process. Each partner school will present project results in methodological seminars organised by training centres in order to spread international CLIL ideas among teachers in the region to support them to be able to bring CLIL into their schools, as nationwide. As a result we will create a lot of different materials /brochure, collection of CLIL activities, website, school curricula, DVD with filmed lessons, methodology/ which will be accessible to anyone interested in CLIL teaching/learning on the internet or on CD freely distributed to schools. As in most countries CLIL has been at the beginning of its usage, materials can be used as a source for many years. Moreover, results will be spread among teachers so we believe a number of schools daring to launch CLIL lessons will grow .
Koordinátor:Zakladna skola, Skultetyho 1, Nitra