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Inspiring ERA+
Číslo projektu:2017-1-SK01-KA101-035048
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:12560 €
Sumár projektu:In the context of a high quality bilingual education needs, the level of the school internationalisation and the inspiring era we live in, our mobility project is aimed at 8-member-staff trainings which will bring positive and long-lasting effects on the participants and participating schools. The job shadowing activities and participation in courses are meant to produce the quality of cooperation with the partners abroad as well as improved language and teaching competences of the participating teachers and their self-confidence increase. The participants are on the one hand the language teachers (2) who need the revitalisation of their communication competence and enrichment of their portfolio of the innovative teaching methods in the English language. Consequent implementation of more attractive forms for students motivating them in the daily classroom work along with the gained competences will open up the potential of teacher swaps and oragnisation of international activities within the planned multilateral KA2 projects. On the other hand the participants are the teachers (6 science and social science teachers, language teachers and the headteacher) who seek inspiration not only for their professional development but they will also be ambassadors of the cultural awareness of the participating countries and contributors to the school management visions and future project organisation keeping the quality label of the school.
Koordinátor:Gymnázium bilingválne