Healthy Generation | |
Číslo projektu: | 2017-1-SK01-KA219-035296 |
Popis projektu: | na stránke Európskej komisie |
Grant: | 88860 € |
Sumár projektu: | CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVES The topic of the project, Healthy Lifestyle, comes as a result of data collected in the 3 partner schools involved. As such, the rates of obesity problems (OP) and lack of regular physical activities (RS) in our schools are: SK Partner School pupils has 20%OP, 50% RS GRC Partner School has 20% OP, 45% RS RO Partner School has 25% OP, 50% RS With this worrying data in mind, we have established as the main objective of the project to raise students’ awareness of the causes and effects of obesity in relation to the sedentarism that characterizes the current generations of students. At the same time, in order to measure the actual impact of the school we have proposed to decrease these rates by the end of the 2-year project. Another aim of this project is to get in contact with schools from other European countries in order to observe the situation in each of them and exchange good practices related to ways of combating such problems. METHODOLOGY With all these in mind, we have divided our topic into three sub-topics which will constitute the theme of each meeting and exchange envisaged in the project: 1. SK-C1- EUROPEAN CUISINES 2. GRC-C2- JUNK FOOD V´S HEALTHY FOOD 3. RO-C3- BENEFITS OF SPORT AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Students will be in the centre of all activities, as we believe that by involving them directly and supervising their work, the project will have a stronger impact on them. Daily physical exercise will be a part of their schedule. They will compare cuisines, food, lifestyles, popular sports of their countries. They will have lessons, lectures, excursions on topics related to healthy lifestyle to gain a new vision of life. The project activities will result in the final outcome – HEALTH GUIDE FOR TEENS BY TEENS. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES During the exchanges, students will learn and practice one sport that is popular in the host school surroundings, join classes in the morning, in the afternoons, they will work towards the achievement of specific goals within each activity: C1- SK Students will practice winter sports. There will be workshops on rules, history and presence of skiing. The mixed project teams will cook traditional national dishes and taste them. They will compare European cuisines and their contribution to longevity. C2 –GRC Students will practice athletics. There will be workshops on rules, history and presence of athletics. The mixed project teams will cook healthy dishes. C3 – RO Students will practice basketball. There will be workshops on rules, history and presence of this sport. All kinds of easy-to-do exercises and games will be presented and performed. They will compare sports popularity in their countries. NUMBER AND PROFILE OF THE PARTICIPANTS Students/teenagers: Each exchange involves the participation of 9 students/ country, which means an overall number of 18 students/country who will participate directly in the exchanges. These students will be selected prior to each mobility, based on transparent criteria, which will involve command of English, ICT skills, voluntary work, involvement in the school-based activities and motivation. The number of indirect beneficiaries is a lot larger, as every school will involve at least 50 other students before each mobility in the school-based pre-exchange activities. Teachers/Adults: There will be teams of 7 teachers in each partner organization, so 21 in total who will manage the project implementation. Each of them will be assigned clear tasks from the beginning. This team will involve managerial staff and at least 2 English teachers, 1 PE teacher, 1 Biology Teacher, 1 Medical worker, 1 ICT teacher. They will be chosen by the person in charge of the project, based on previous initiatives, motivation, CV and experience in handling projects. Based on the importance and relevance of their contribution before each exchange the 3 participating teachers/country/exchange will be selected from these teams. RESULTS AND IMPACTS We have assumed the publication of one basic outcome and 4 other intermediate products which will result from studying the topics of interest, presentations and the activities performed before and during the exchanges. All these will be made available to larger audiences on the school websites and through all the dissemination activities included in the dissemination plan. Therefore, we hope that there will be a positive, measurable impact at the level of participants (with a clear reduction of obesity rates among the target group members and improving students physical fitness), of the local school communities and wider communities, at the level of the institutions involved and other related institutions, at local, regional, national and international levels. |
Koordinátor: | Základná škola sv. Andreja Svorada a Benedikta, Skalité 729 |
Skalité | |
www.zsuskalite.sk | |