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New Approach In Educational Technology
Číslo projektu:2019-1-SK01-KA201-060658
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:247520 €
Sumár projektu:Nowadays, in order to design new educational orientations and resources to develop innovative environments in education, efforts are being made to provide education in the form of formal, informal or nonformal aiming at disseminating e-life cultures from pre-primary education institutions to tertiary education and to ensure its continuity. Today, there are lectures on computer usage in schools, everyone is being encouraged to own a computer and the lessons are trying to be given by computer support.In addition, computer-based education practices and internet-based projects have been developed in schools to develop student-centered teaching transfer studies from teacher-centered instruction. * When the scientific literature in Europe and Turkey was searched, the following problems were identified. • Teachers are inadequate in using the technical side of ICT. • Teachers can not follow the new teaching approaches sufficiently in terms of professional development. • Students can not learn to use technology because of the lack of recognition of Web 2.0 tools and ICT in planning, and the inadequacy of in-service training activities. •The school environment is deprived of activities that improve students' creativity. • Teachers can not pursue innovative approaches and literature adequately in terms of creativity and communication technologies. *The benefits / qualifications we aim to develop with the project are; • To be able to use ICT related concepts correctly and in place. • Ability to use application software prepared for a specific purpose. • Ability to use Network and Internet applications in place. • Enhancing the quality of education by support learning environments with educational software, electronic references, application software and educational games •To learn creating models and simulations with three dimensional technological materials. • Integrating ICT tools into learning environments at every stage. • Provide all students with access to all sorts of advanced ICT tools during their education life. • To teach all the students the skills of accessing information, problem solving, processing and presentation of information with information technology tools and teaching them how to use ICT tools in daily life. Number and Profile of participants: The Partnership includes 6 partners from all over European Countries.All partners have previous experience in implementation of common projects. They are key actors within their own country and bring with them knowledge and experience of the latest strategies, best and innovative practices and activities related to ICT.ITPM meetings will be held with 13 participants (3 from schools 2 from technical partners). 6 participants from the coordinator and 5 participants from other partner schools will join to the LTT events with a total of 16 participants . Description of activities: All project activities, e.g. questionnaires, seminars, extracurricular activities, workshops, educational e-materials , e-modules, meetings,service in training courses, ICT based lessons,curriulum,etc. are designed and organised to improve ICT skills, effective usage of ICT tools in education. The target groups of the activities are students ,teachers ,parents,educational organisations and other key stakeholders Methodology to be used in carrying out the project: Programming-Planning-Observation-Identification-Social Research-Implementation-Interactive Software-Pilot Studies-Workshop-Group Studies-Evaluation Results: - Multilingual Project Website - e-Leraning modules for teachers - Web&Mobile apllication,Educational Games - Digital Presentation of curricula of ICT implementation - e-Book&e-Borchure on integration of ICT in education - Informal incorporation of results across key stakeholders - Exchange of best practices - Science Competition among students - Pilot studies The Intellectual Outputs; -e -Learning Platform and e-Course for teachers -Educational Game Multiplier Events: -3 National Dissemination Seminars in .............;. Short Term Joint Staff Training Activity 5 days in Spain and Italy Impact : -To acquire innovative methodologies and competencies and enhance the effectiveness of their teaching and learning activities -To improve competences in using ICT tools, following the developments in the literature, creativity and innovative teaching techniques will improve -To specialize in using digital skills -To enhance the quality of lessons by using e-materials,edu-games,edu-softwares and interactive presentations -To design creative educational environments to atrract ss Longer term benefits: -Innovative aspects of best practices imported to each partner -Improve and enrich educational encironment by using ICT -Increased involvement of stakeholders -Improved competences in using ICT,integrating ICT tools in education -Increased awareness of importance of technology -Increased awareness of improved digital skills and advantages of e-le
Koordinátor:Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita v Nitre