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AR Physics made for students
Číslo projektu:2020-1-SK01-KA201-078391
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:372661 €
Sumár projektu:For as long as physics has been thought at schools, it has been one of the least preferred subjects of students. Students generally have the perception that physics involves complex concepts, of which they do not understand the resulting insights, which makes solving problems a challenge. This sets the students on a path of failure, and avoidance of the subject. Physics as a part of STEM subjects, is becoming an increasingly important part of basic literacy. It can no longer be viewed as an elite training for future scientists, but it is becoming a determinant decision in the current science-driven society. To avoid a future skill gap, it is necessary to make physics more accessible to students. The integration of collaborative applications, and media into classrooms to reinforce the learning experience, facilitates the access to educational resources. Augmented reality, unlike any other technology, provides an authentic, immersive and interactive learning experience for students. Physics based educational applications, using augmented reality technology, has been developed extensively in recent years. It provides a unique opportunity to draw the attention of students, by enabling to conduct and unlimited repetition of experiments, making teachers less dependent on available resources and conditions in schools. However actual educational material available for teachers at schools is still scarce, especially in non-English speaking countries. In this project we will develop an educational tool, combining the use of books and AR via a smartphone application. By combining the comfortable bound format of a book, which provides a tangible pleasure, and a source of information for deep learning, with AR application, which will provide an opportunity to attract and hold attention, we will establish a bridge between traditional and digital learning. By telling the story of important historical milestones in physics, the tool will set the student on a road of exploration, of physics through time and significant events, with an opportunity to interactively test and experiment what is presented. The launch of the tool will be supported by the development of curriculum materials for teachers on how to use and implement the tool in the educational process. Following this, by organizing training sessions for teachers, and performing a case study in test classes which will be carried out in order to monitor the impact of the tool. Furthermore we will organise workshop days at schools, where students and teachers will have the opportunity to test the tool.
Koordinátor:Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave