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How to be a youngster in the 21st century
Číslo projektu:2018-1-NL01-KA229-039073_5
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:121745 €
Sumár projektu:Life is complicated when you're a youngster in 2018 ! Many regions in Europe experience difficulties to preserve their identity and their cultural heritage and to cope with globalization and internationalization. With this project, we want to raise our students' awareness of their own identity (regional background, heritage, social environment) , and relate this to their peers in other corners of Europe. While adressing and developing their 21st century skills our students will visit eachother and investigate eachothers regional identity. At the same time they will develop awareness and appreciation of their own typical regional characteristics. This will make them more proud and more willing to contribute to the development of their own region and at the same time make them better prepared to live as true Europeans. In this project, five schools work closely together to internationalize their teaching programs. In the course of 2 years, every participating country will organize a one week exchange program for the other schools. During theze weeks, the host students will show the characteristics of the region that are relevant for themselves and their guests. In the Netherlands, they will focus on the migration of youngsters to the cities in the west of the country, resulting in a decline of the population. What is the problem here and how can it be solved? By investigating this topic, they will find out that their own region is not so bad after all. The title for the week is "Proud of my region" In Slovakia, the theme will be "Living Together" The school in Komarno has a very divers population, with a high number of students who have special needs. Besides that, the population in the region consists of different ethnic groups. How do young people cope with this diversity. Do they get along or does everybody go their seperate way? The title for the exchange in Finland will be: "Identity and cultural heritage". In a school students from different regional backgrounds come together. Will they return to their own region after graduation, or will they become city dwellers? During this week they will investigate their own background and share it with eachother. The final exchange week will be in Portugal. The participating school is located near Sintra, a historic town belonging to Portugal's cultural heritage. The hosts will show their guests around, whilst exchanging ideas and views regarding the cultural heritage in eachothers countries. The theme for this week is "Proud of my Heritage". After these two years, the participating students will have a much broader view of culture and customs in other parts of Europe, and at the same time they will be much more conscious and proud of their own background and identity. As they will present their findings to their schoolmates and other actors in the region, this experience will have a wide impact in the environment of the school. The participating teachers will have gained a lot of experience in organising exchange weeks, and in cooperating with colleagues abroad. They will also learn to use teaching methods which support the development of 21st century skills in their students. Since for every school multiple teachers are involved in the project, this experience will have a durable impact on the internationalisation activities and teaching of the schools.
Koordinátor:Základná skola,Ul. pohranicná 9, Komárno