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Thinking about future
Číslo projektu:2019-1-EE01-KA229-051693_4
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:20770 €
Sumár projektu:Currently, different cultures, nations, social groups, individuals, without mutual tolerance face each other on the basis of intolerance and can simply destroy each other. Tolerance in the modern world is an absolutely practical condition for survival. The central theme of the project is to draw attention to the danger of enmity in the modern world. We will promote the rapprochement of young people with the help of the art and history. Studying historical events, we have concluded that if people`s attitude were different, we could avoid wars, terrorism, persecution, insults, etc. At the same time, it is very important that people are able to define the limits of tolerance. It is impossible to remain tolerant if someone is doing injustice near you. That`s what history teaches us. That's why we would like to conduct this project, which will help at least some youngsters to think about the danger of hostility Art has always been a way to bring people together, make them think about the importance and value of peace and harmony. In all school communities that will take part in the partnership there is a large number of students who are in a situation where the development of tolerance is very vital for them. (religious aspect, financial difficulties, different nationalities live in their places,historical background) Our objectives: Project objectives: 1. To show the danger of intolerance based on historical events in the partner countries and the world. 2. To attract the attention of a large youth audience to the need for unanimity and consent with the help of different kinds of art. 3. Create of a non-boring technique to strengthen values such as tolerance and mutual understanding. 4. Bring up the respect for the values (religious, ethnic, personal) of other people 5. Develop cooperation and rapprochement of young people from different countries There is a close relationship between activities in schools and the transnational meetings. The theme or the activity (kind of art) which will be the main at the meeting of partners first is developed in each school. For example, before the creation of a common theatrical performance, each school has its own theater festival on the theme of tolerance. We will use active methods: Objective 1 Method: We will use the method of “Living library”. People will become books at this event. The aim is to raise awareness of different social groups that are often prejudiced. Books can be of various subjects: religious and moral beliefs, unusual professions or hobbies, special needs, ethnic minorities, etc. Living Books are willing to tell their story in an open, honest and positive dialogue with the readers-participants of the project. This will allow you to cultivate respect for people with different values. visiting of museums, organization of Tolerance Day Objective 2 Method: Street-art festival, creation of the portfolio and photo gallery etc Objective 3 Method: projects on the eTwinning platform, creation of comic book, Atlas and etc Objective 4 Method: national games, presentation of the country. workshops in the technique of recycling and etc Objective 5 Method: We will organize creative laboratories and workshops connected with street art and making the design objects in the recycling style. It will give us better understanding of people with different values and mentality. In addition, it will help to educate active and conscious citizens who can positively influence upon others. The volunteer action during each meeting will have the same purpose. - Holding a dance festival (based on folk dances) will give better understanding of the mentality of different people. 6 transnational meetings: Turkey. Topic: “All different - all equal.“ Greece. Topic: „History unites” Slovakia. Topic "See your possibilities" Bulgaria. Topic: “Getting to know each other for a better world.” Italy. Topic “Think, act and the world will change” Estonia. Topic: “Lack of communication, mutual respect and understanding“ We use methods: - researches - empathies - critical thinking - joint creativity It will give the certain results. - Making the network between schools that work in countries with completely different cultures, religions and mentalities. Development of further cooperation on tolerance education. - Making art objects on the theme of tolerance: , performance, virtual photo gallery, dance festival, art objects of street art, design objects in the recycling style. - Making a set of games and other educational materials on the topic of tolerance. All developed materials will be available to youth organizations and schools.. Since the project materials will be available in digital form on many resources, it will be a tool for teachers and those who work with young people. They can be used for new projects, lessons and informal learning.
Koordinátor:Základná škola, Pavilón B, Školská ul. č. 26, Pribeta