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LESSONS FROM LOCKDOWN: education responses to the needs of a generation in crisis
Číslo projektu:2020-1-SK01-KA226-SCH-094413
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:243795 €
Sumár projektu:The project called "LESSONS FROM LOCKDOWN: education responses to the needs of a generation in crisis" is a Strategic Partnership project in the field of school education of Erasmus+ programme. It is being supported in the special call for action KA226 - Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness (School education). It is designed and created on the basis of the need to implement methods of innovative experiential learning into the formal educational school system. Our intention is to connect 2 worlds - the world of non-formal and formal learning. The project aims to deal with the situation in educational systems in Europe, (specifically it targets three countries - Slovakia, UK and Poland) and its impact of covid-19. The main focus is to support teachers and educators (including youth workers) with inspiration and best practices of innovative teaching methods for virtual blended learning and non-formal education. There has been innovative approaches in learning process in schools across Europe, yet, they are not shared, not many information is disseminated. This project aims to create a virtual interactive space for sharing these best practices in order to make them accessible for teachers and their students. Such a platform will serve as a great source for inspiration, encouragement and motivation for teachers; it will serve as a professional source, such as handbook, of best examples of various online forms of teaching & learning. Based on these ideas, the “Lessons from Lockdown” project has 3 aims: - To engage with and listen to young people in order to understand their needs, interests and concerns in a rapidly changing and uncertain world. - To identify, encourage and promote innovative forms of digital and blended teaching and learning, developed by schools across Europe as a result of the Covid crisis, in response to the needs of young people. This is to be supported by designing and testing at least 15 Lesson plans. - To create a virtual (online) intercultural space for formal and non-formal educators to share ideas, experience and resources, and enable cooperation on the European level. This space will itself be an example of best practice in digital learning. At least 60 best practices from at least 12 European countries will be gathered and processed. This is a cross-sectoral project, bringing together both formal and non-formal education methodologies. It will emphasise the added value of digital tools, while appreciating that all learning must deliver benefits in the real world. Project will last 24 months and will involve active cooperation of 6 partners from 4 European countries: - Otvorená Hra, Slovakia - Cirkevná Spojená Škola, Slovakia - Centre for International Learning and Leadership, United Kingdom - Chesterfield College, United Kingdom - Regional Volunteers Centre, Poland - 5th Secondary School named ks.Piotr Ściegienny, Poland. The project is aimed on the following target groups: - teachers (high-school and secondary schools) & active educators in the schools; - young people - students (13-19 years old) active in the education process. Secondary target group are youth workers, educators and those active in the education process with young people.
Koordinátor:Otvorená Hra o. z.